I am afraid that I must inform you that it has been decided that your penis is much too small to speak with models directly. If it was slightly smaller at least you could claim it was a micropenis and that it's a medical issue, but you simply have inferior DNA. No model would ever risk having sex with you due to the risk of a result that she could only feel ashamed of while living the rest of her life filled with regret. Even though the chance is very low because you have only very weak cum that can barely even dribble out. You might be able to trick a non model, except your tiny cock can only produce substandard erections. I overheard a group of models wondering if it is even capable of reaching far enough to get inside a pussy. You have no choice but to work on accepting that your penis will never be of use to you or a woman sexually.
Perhaps you could try some reading such as:
She Comes First
The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman
By Ian Kerneron
While not as small as yours, the author was explains the need to adapt to his small penis by dedicating his life to attempting to compensate with his tongue.